數字金三角: Teacher, Group A, Group B forms a triangle!!!
Teacher: Set the rule for the "game" ( speak, write, draw)
Students: Row the dices
遊戲開始前,請將1-12 (one-twelve)的數字全部和孩子們練習過
Game1: Row the dices and then add together for the total
The first one figures out the answer wins the point
***figures out :所指的玩法可用 speak out // write down // drawing 的不同方法來進行
1 | one |
2 | two |
3 | three |
4 | four |
5 | five |
6 | six |
Dice 2:
1 | one |
2 | two |
3 | three |
4 | four |
5 | five |
6 | six |
Dice1 + Dice 2 = the total
Teacher : Speak out the total !
Student A : (Dice1--> three)
Student B : (Dice 2--> six)
Student ? : 3+6-> 9 (The first speaks out "Nine" wins the point)
Teacher : Write down the total !
Student A : (Dice1--> six)
Student B : (Dice 2--> five)
Student ? : 6+5-> 11 (The first writes down "eleven" on the board wins the point)
目標2:培養孩子們反覆熟記數字的基數 one-twelve,以及對應阿拉伯數字1-12的大腦直接反應
應用小技巧 1:亦可用於基數與序數的對應喲! (1-->first ,2--> second,........12-->twelfth)
應用小技巧 2:亦可用於整數的對應喲! (1-->ten, 2-->twenty, 3-->thirty,......10--> A hundred ,11-->Repeat, 12--> xxx)
數字 Drill Advanced: 數字變化進階版 數字金三角
數字金三角: Teacher, Group A, Group B forms a triangle!!!
Teacher: Row the biggest dice to decide the "game" ( +, -, *, / )
Students: Row the dices
(小提醒:此Drill 亦可穿插於高年級的課堂上,可作加+ 減- 乘* 除/ 的進階變化)
Game2: Row the dices and then add together for the total
The first one figures out the answer wins the point
***figures out :所指的玩法可用 speak out // write down // drawing 的不同方法來進行
1 | one |
2 | two |
3 | three |
4 | four |
5 | five |
6 | six |
Dice 2: Student B
1 | one |
2 | two |
3 | three |
4 | four |
5 | five |
6 | six |
Dice 3: Teacher's Dice
1 | + |
2 | + |
3 | - |
4 | * |
5 | * |
6 | / |
(加+ 減- 乘* 除/ 的用法放置可隨孩子們的程度作適當之調整)
建議將Teacher row the dice 放在學生擲骰子之後,增加學習刺激感及提昇注意力!
Dice1 +-*/ Dice 2 = the total
Teacher : Speak out the total !
Student A : (Dice1--> three)
Student B : (Dice 2--> six)
Teacher : (Dice 3--> five-->*)
Student ? : 3*6-> 18 (The first speaks out "eighteen" wins the point)
Teacher : Write down the total !
Student A : (Dice1--> six)
Student B : (Dice 2--> five)
Teacher : (Dice 3--> three-->-)
Student ? : 6-5-> 1 (The first writes down "one" on the board wins the point)
目標:培養孩子們對英文數字對應加+ 減- 乘* 除/ 數字符號的直覺反應並熟記之